FNF Redemption vs Grunt

FNF Redemption vs Grunt will teach you an unique Grunt design. With its recent release, the kit has attracted the attention of many games.

About game

FNF Redemption vs Grunt aims can provide us with either a new perspective also on Grunt character in Friday Night Funkin. Because this mod is simply an enlargement to Grunt’s design, perhaps the core but rather mechanics will remain unchanged, then you will quickly become familiarized with it.

Hundreds of gamers have purchased FNF Redemption vs Grunt from the FNF platform in order to experience this design. Other people think that this has been the worst-looking mod in FNF Mods, one they’ve played. If you like the protagonist Grunt, you won’t be disappointed if you don’t attempt this mod.

If you like FNF Redemption vs Grunt, anyone can get unrestricted from kbh games. The ones authors are simple, and they will only take days to run. Then a beautiful digital age for Friday Night Funkin becomes available for you to explore whenever you choose just go to kbh games website and download the game and have some fun.

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the GitHub source.


Arcade Dance FNF Friday Night Funkin Madness Combat Music Reaction Time Rhythm Skill